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AISWA Learning Centre, Perth. WA, Australia

A unique learning space turns a corner using Xero’s LOOP profile.

The AISWA- (Association of Independent Schools Western Australia) is a non-profit organisation that helps support, represent and promote the interests of Independent Schools.
The WA Xero Linear Lighting team worked closely with EIW Architects to help create harmonious lighting for AISWA’s new office fit-out in Osborne Park, Perth, Western Australia.
Lighting Designers chose the popular LOOP profiles XTA 2.5 Loop Recessed and Slot, mimicking the elegantly curved timber walling and rounded break-out spaces.

Architects: EIW Architects

Profile: XTA | 2.5 Loop Slot and Recessed

Photography: Matt Devlin

For more information on the LOOP curved profile series go to
https://xerolighting.com/loop-profiles/ or contact your local Specification Representative at https://xerolighting.com/contact

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